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Remember Who God Is!

As we enter a week when we are reminded of being thankful, I want to encourage each of you to take some time and give your heart some reflection. Do you think that you have a thankful heart? Or is your heart more of the complaining nature?

As each of us deals with what the day throws our way, we find ourselves at a crossroad. How will we react? What will our words and actions reveal about the condition of our heart? Will they reveal we are unthankful, or will they reveal sincere gratitude?

If (when) I complain, I am placing myself as the center of my world. Everything becomes all about me: my wants, my “needs”, my desires, how I feel. I live with a sense of entitlement because “I deserve _____.” I look at what others have and feel envious because I am continually thinking about all the things I don’t have.

When you and I allow our complaints, feelings, and envy to rule our hearts, we are not allowing God’s love to rule them. Our entitled “I deserve” hearts replace the “I am so blessed” heart. When we place our focus on what we want, it keeps us from paying attention to the life God has called us to live. That, my friend, is some thin ice to be walking on.

On the flip side... When we look at our lives through the lens of being a sinner and understand that we deserve nothing but wrath, and understand that every good thing in our lives is an undeserved blessing, we find reasons to be thankful in everything.

I wish I could say mundane things do not get under my skin. I wish my wife and children could never say that I am impatient or easily irritated. I wish I could say that I never grumble or complain. But the reality is that I do. And you probably do, too. If we take the time to reflect on our hearts and realize the sinful nature of them, we will quickly remember how undeserving we really are.

When I find myself in a pattern of complaining or of being ungrateful, remembering who God is gives me a much-needed attitude adjustment. The Bible reveals God as Creator, Controller, and Ruler of all things. It reveals Him as a King who is wise, tender, slow to anger and abundant in love. It reveals the undeserved mercy and grace He offers. When I turn my focus to who God is, my response to the everyday struggles, temptations, and opportunities is much different than when I place myself as the center.

So, Friend, as you enter into this week of Thanksgiving, think about your heart. Think about who God is and see all the undeserved blessings that surround you!

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